Min'zing a food waste & opt'izing cooking process. EM mob app contains wide range dbases of food components for diff fast food net's. EM app give customers a choice of qty and proportions of meal components that they order in gramm calc. In EM menu user can accurately design a dish and order exactly qty of food and nutritions that they need. EM mobile app is free for downloading. Wide range of fast food menu in app enable customers to use EM in diff fast food net's and small family restaurant's. The main selling product is EM server app with automatical analytics and data collecting services.
Текущее состояние
Idea, technical and visual understanding
Regular fast food & small family restaurants customers from 12 years age till 60 years old.
Проблема или Возможность
Minimizing food waste and optimizing cooking process for fast food & small family restaurant's market.
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
EM mob app contains wide range dbases of food components for diff fast food net's. EM app give customers a choice of qty and proportions of meal components that they order in gramm calc. In EM menu user can accurately design a dish and order exactly qty of food and nutritions that they need. EM mobile app is free for downloading. Wide range of fast food menu in app enable customers to use EM in diff fast food net's and small family restaurant's. The main selling product is EM server app with automatical analytics and data collecting services.
Not find exactly same competitors
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
No need waiters for order, eat as much food as needs, less food waste, optimizing cooking process, important data analytics and collecting nutrition information about fast food customers for improving quality of food and season nutrition for mass market.
Subscription plans for EM server app: 1 month free, 3 months subscription plan - 10% of selling profit, 1 year subscription plan - 15% of selling profit, 3 years subscription plan - 20% of ptofit.
Free mobile EM app / Subscription plans for EM server app with analytics and data collecting services. Uber bussiness model.
Целевое назначение инвестиций
Build client base EM mobile app - 5000 usd approx.
Build server base EM app with data collecting and analytics - 2000 approx.
Promotion and marketing researching - 5000 approx.