Фото - Medical Diagnostic Center

Medical Diagnostic Center "Emerald - Med"

Instrumental health diagnostics for the whole family

Казахстан, Карагандинская область
Отрасль: Медицина, Услуги, сервис, Другое
Стадия проекта: Есть идея или наработки

Дата последнего изменения: 31.08.2022
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Medical diagnostic center located in the new city center along the interchange of the main roads between the districts of the city. The medical center provides services of instrumental and functional diagnostics of a wide range (from laboratory tests to ellastometry, daily monitoring of electroencephalography, and so on) for all ages. Provision of services on the principle of B2B, B2C, B2G. The prospect in the next 5 years of the medical center's work is to further expand the center in the form of opening branches, as well as a network of franchisees.

Текущее состояние

Currently, this project is at the stage of working out details, including a list of equipment in accordance with the planned services, the choice of premises, the selection of equipment suppliers, design development, and so on.
A limited liability partnership was registered on June 22, 2022. There is an account of the organization in the Bank of Kazakhstan.


Individuals (adults and children), Legal entities (other medical organizations, industrial enterprises, catering organizations, catering-service companies, etc.), State (state order within the guaranteed volume of medical care and compulsory social health insurance), insurance companies and their clients

Проблема или Возможность

To date, there is a problem of access to diagnostic research methods. Even routine examinations have to be expected for more than 2 weeks. All this leads to a late request for medical help. Despite the availability of social health insurance, the population prefers more affordable private medicine. However, all private medical centers focus more on specialist consultations, as the equipment and equipment of diagnostic centers is expensive. Moreover, there are practically no certain types of diagnostic examinations due to the lack of desire to invest money in the long term.

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

Our medical center solves the issue of providing a wide range of diagnostic examinations for all segments of the population without queues and at an affordable price. This is achieved through interaction with the state and other medical organizations. As well as concentrating the maximum range of equipment and leading specialists in one location.


There are currently no direct competitors.
Existing medical centers and clinics provide a limited set of diagnostic examinations. Mainly ultrasound examinations and electrocardiography. At the same time, the available equipment is mainly represented by mid-level Chinese manufacturers.
There are no other clinics in the planned location of the opening of the medical center.
Within a radius of 4 kilometers there are small private medical centers with an insignificant list of diagnostic services provided (single-vector: either a laboratory or only ultrasound examination).
Within a radius of 7-10 kilometers there are three multidisciplinary medical centers with a 24-hour hospital providing emergency and planned medical care within the guaranteed volume of medical care and the package of compulsory social health insurance and, in practice, not providing diagnostic services on a paid basis and under co-fulfillment agreements.

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

The advantages: the entire list of diagnostic tests in one place, sufficient number of offices and equipment to ensure access to services without queues and waiting, modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers, all specialists with more than 10 years of experience

Distinctive features: application of lean manufacturing and management techniques in practice at the center, development of a network of similar medical centers in other cities


The average receipt for 1 service is 5.38$, the passability of the medical center for a working day is an average of 150 visits. Thus, during the first 3 months after the opening, the minimum revenue will be (150x30)x5.38=24.210$ (with the worst forecast in two cabinets). Taking into account the application of the growth strategy, these indicators will increase 2.5 times during the first year of operation of the medical center and lead to total revenue for the first year of operation in the amount of 1 million $ - weighted average probable.

Payment: from legal entities for servicing their employees, from the state for servicing the population in accordance with the guaranteed volume of medical care and compulsory social health insurance packages, from individuals for direct medical services, from insurance companies – for servicing insured customers, from the franchisee

How: partial/full prepayment, сash/non-cash payment (Bank transfer, Bank card, Online transfer, QR-code)

Costs: permanent (Rent of premises, Wage Fund, Utility bills, Taxes, Logistics,
Equipment maintenance, Information system maintenance, Content of the head office) and variables (Consumables, Advertisement, Expenses on sales channels, Marketing expenses, Dividends, Compensation expenses, Updating the material and technical base, Repair)


The planned medical diagnostic center is designed to provide only diagnostic examinations, mainly instrumental. Due to the lack of such centers in the region and the growing need among the population to conduct surveys. The opening of such a center in the new city center with a population of about 12400 people in the adjacent territories within a radius of 1 kilometer provides residents with affordable medical services. In addition, there is a queue in the region for waiting for diagnostic examinations for an average of 1 month, which allows you to conclude co-execution agreements with primary medical organizations to reduce the priority and ensure the loading of the center. Taking into account the need to comply with the requirements of standards of medical care and clinical recommendations of the national level, the work of the medical center with new high-class equipment will ensure the quality and timeliness of diagnostic studies. The presence of industrial enterprises (metallurgy, coal mining, textiles, food industry, and so on) makes it possible for the medical center to conduct screening studies within the framework of insurance contracts. The provision of human resources of the medical center is realized due to the presence of a medical academy in Karaganda. And also thanks to the extensive practical experience of working directly in healthcare and in the main clinics of the regional founder of the medical center. Joining the functioning state medical information system will ensure both the referral of patients for examination to the medical center, and the rapid receipt of a conclusion based on the results of the examination by the patient and the attending physician, followed by storage in the cloud storage and access to it if necessary. In the perspective of the development of the medical center, the creation of branches (the formation of a brand network), the expansion of the list of medical services provided. Another direction for the development of this medical center is the opening of primary polyclinic care for the attached population with a full cycle of patient management from medical examination to rehabilitation (For example: a polyclinic with an attached population of 9,000 people has a total annual revenue of about 1,652,349.42 $).

Целевое назначение инвестиций

Purchase and repair of real estate for the center
Purchase of equipment
Obtaining a license and all permits
Marketing expenses

Предложение инвестору

I offer dividends in the amount of 5% of the annual revenue or I will consider other options from the investor

Команда или Руководство


Restriction of activities due to the sanitary and epidemiological situation (a similar situation occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic) (low probability)
Opening of such centers by competitors (high probability)
Prohibition on the provision of these services in private medical centers (low probability)
Decrease in the solvency of the population (low impact)

Прохождение Инкубационных/Акселерационных программ

did not pass

Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

there were none
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