Qazaq-English Online Dictionary with 400,000 + words for the pupils, students, Kazakh diaspora abroad, translators, anyone who needs to write/read texts in 2 languages (KK-EN)
Текущее состояние
Operating web-site with 250,000 + words database
All pupils and students, studing in Kazakh language; Kazakh diaspora abroad (over 4,000,000 people), anyone interested in learning Kazakh/English.
Проблема или Возможность
Commercialisation is required
Решение (Продукт или Услуга)
Consulting services; Market research for this type of product; Updating the web-site functionalities; Promotion/advertisement.
Преимущества или дифференциаторы
Correct and validated terminology, vast database (400,000 words vs 60,000 of the nearest compepitor)
Translators Group has already invested 20,000 USD in front end and back end development, translation of terminology databases. Looking in more investments for promotion and commercialisation.
Paid advertisement placement at the site
Целевое назначение инвестиций
-Market research; -Promotion and advertisement in the mass media and social networks; -Commercialization project.